Editor’s Note — Style Goals for 2021

What are your style goals for 2021?

One thing I have noticed is that we set goals for other areas of our lives such as finance, body goals, etc but not “our fashion life” you may call it. I rarely hear someone referring to style goals around this time of the year. One of the things that I have been doing for years is to set goals for what my wardrobe looks like the following year or should look like and how I’m seeing it unfold. Thinking through my purchases and planning, frankly speaking, that’s our idea of sustainability here at FOUURA.

So here is how you do it. Here are areas I think are a good place to start analyzing:

Taking stock — of the current state of things.
You may be expecting a baby, perhaps you are starting a new job. One thing we all share in common currently is the pandemic and how it’s affecting how we wear and view our wardrobe. So, therefore, what are your plans? How are you planning to continue to make a wardrobe shift?

Style audit — how are you planning to stay on top of the situation that is affecting how you feel about your self-confidence in clothes? Is it time to change how you dress? Are you dressing for your current life? Is your style tired? Are you on autopilot going day by day without paying attention to what works and what doesn’t? Are there significant changes in your life that require you to work around? Perhaps you just had a baby or you are not in a good space mentally. It’s time for a style audit.

Wardrobe shift — how are you planning to make that wardrobe shift focusing on areas that need a shift without spending a whole lot of money?
For some it could be experimenting and clearing out everything (sustainably) and working from less considering COVID-19 has slowed down our plans. So, this is a good time to operate on a small wardrobe capsule wardrobe. Some it could be trying new styles.

⦁ Dressing for your current self — it starts here and ends here.
Planning in such a way that 80% of yourself is dressing for your current situation and 20% for your ideal or future self.

Stay true to yourself.

Love from your personal style editor,

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