Clean Beauty Wellness
Sustainably disposing sanitary pads
Can sanitary pads ever be eco-friendly?
Over the years…
06.11.2023/by Lungile MahlanguOver the years…
Beauty On sustainability
What makes a perfume sustainable?
Scents with great ethical responsibility.
Image: Unsplash,…
04.08.2023/by Lungile MahlanguImage: Unsplash,…
Ask an expert Fouura Podcast The Wardrobe Shift
Podcast Ep35: What Is Healthy Fashion With Author Alyssa Couture
Alyssa Couture talks about her book, "Healthy Fashion".
10.11.2022/by Jessica RamoshabaWe…
Clean Beauty
Blushing For These Sustainable Blushes
Why Your Skin Needs It
Using organic products means that…
03.21.2022/by Fouura StaffUsing organic products means that…
Clean Beauty Featured
A Poisonous Kiss: The Problem With Today’s Lipsticks
This visually alluring substance was known to have first been…
03.14.2022/by Ramatsobane MphahleleClean Beauty
What We Need To Know About Eyeshadow
Using what nature provides to enhance one's beauty can be traced…
03.11.2022/by Fouura StaffBeauty Clean Beauty
Repurpose Your Empty Cosmetic Containers
Don’t throw away your cosmetic containers - give them a second…
03.07.2022/by Lungile MahlanguClean Beauty
What Is The Problem With Sunscreens?
Concerning ingredients found in sunscreen
Source: iStock…
03.03.2022/by Lungile MahlanguSource: iStock…