Wardrobe Series: Conversations with Cassidy

We caught up with Fouura staff member Cassidy Johnston about her style, shopping habits, and how she implements sustainability in her everyday life.

How would you describe your style?

I’ve always liked to buy classic items of clothing with colours that I can wear and match anything with. So I would describe my style as minimal because I like plain colours and I don’t like a whole bunch of patterns and colours on an item of clothing, but every now and then I do like adding a statement piece to my outfit. Such as a bright colour or one item of clothing that has an eccentric pattern on it or something. So I would say my style is minimal, classic, and chic.

What role does sustainable fashion play in your wardrobe?

A lot of the pieces in my closet are actually thrifted, bought second-hand, or clothes my mom no longer wears. I like to have unique clothes that not everyone has and so this is the best way to ensure I have some unique pieces!

How are you living consciously daily, if at all?

I try and live more consciously by practicing self-awareness. I actively dedicate time to understanding myself better, understanding who I am and why I do what I do. This helps me to determine which behavioral patterns I need to improve on, the ones I am proud of, and the ones that I need to eliminate in order to live purposefully and become the person that I want to be.

How often do you shop?

I probably shop once every two weeks. I like to keep an eye on the trends and if I see something I like and that I know I can wear again once that trend has passed, then I’ll go out and buy it. I love retail therapy and can easily buy something each time I go to the shops because I also can’t resist a good sale, so for my wallet and in an effort to live more sustainably, I try and stay out of the shops as much as possible.

What is your relationship with clothes post-covid?

Since we couldn’t go anywhere during covid and we all had to live in our sweats and PJs, post-covid actually made me excited to dress up again. I do dress up a lot more to go out now than I did before. I enjoy finding a good outfit to wear whenever I leave the house.

What are your wardrobe struggles?

Lack of space! I don’t have very big cupboard space so sometimes the clothes that are at the bottom of the pile hardly get worn because I forget about them. I would like to try and organize my space a lot better so that I can wear all my clothes.